Sunday, November 15, 2015

In Mourning...

Image by Frederic Pradier

My Beautiful Beloved Paris! I know there are many people who are saying that all this focus on Paris is hypocritical because we don't have the same reaction when it's Beirut or Yemen or Syria. Please excuse me if I disagree! I grieve every death inflicted by senseless terrorism. This weekend it just so happened to be my beloved Paris's turn. I am also appalled at all the haters who have come out of the woodwork, demanding that Islam be eradicated or that all borders be shut to refugees. No, folks, not going to buy any of that! Sorry for the diatribe, but that's just the way I feel...

Sunday, November 08, 2015

They Were Framed!

It's almost like having brand new art hanging on the walls of my room! There were three photos and a small watercolor that I had lost track of, which have just been re-discovered and finally framed (Wood frames, glass and hangers cost all of LE 160, or about $20!) So I marked where I wanted them to go and staff put in hooks and... Voilà! At the same time, I had them put in a hook for a painting I had just propped on a table. And I'm very proud of my collection of caleche hardware, so you get to see some of those too!

Here's how the bulletin board wall looks now:

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Friday, November 06, 2015

First Balloon Fly-Over of the Season!

I heard that easily identifiable sound early this morning. And it was an astonishing hot air balloon fly-over! Six balloons encircled Chicago House at various distances. What fun! And good news for Luxor tourism too!