Sunday, February 05, 2006

Kitten Kaboodle

Please meet the three newest members of the Chicago "Cat" House family: Sophie, Pele, and Leroy. We've been raising them since they were tiny babies and they seem to be thriving. This makes 13 cats...I think it's a lucky number!


  1. Marie, I am so pleased to be blogging with you! Thanks for the gorgeous photos of Sun above river, appealing Cats, and spectacular night lights. I am smitten with M. or Mlle. Black-with-White-Face Cat - very appealing indeed! I send you my love and a hug, Frances

  2. Fran, that is M. Leroy-he will be pleased to know that he is admired! Gros bisous à toi!

  3. Marie -- Thirteen cats??? Wow! What will you do when you come back to Woodland and have "only" three to love?


  4. Actually it may be a relief! Last night, I had three cats on the bed, two on a chair, a "running" visit from two of the kittens, and the very unwelcome presence in my laundry basket of the nasty cat, Scrooge!! All in a VERY SMALL room...

  5. Great pictures and interesting slices of life in Egypt. Am enjoying them all.
    Thanks for sending such interesting observations and pictures!


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